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Augustine Birrell (1850 – 1933)

English essayist, biographer and politician.
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Augustine Birrell
It can never be wrong to give pleasure.
Birrell quotes
An ordinary man can...surround himself with two thousand books..and thenceforward have at least one place in the world in which it is possible to be happy.
Personally, I am dead against the burning of books.

Birrell Augustine quotes
Words are women, deeds are men.
Birrell Augustine
Oh, those scoundrelly Charity Commissioners! […] By the side of these anthropoid apes, the genuine bookworm, the paper-eating insect, ravenous as he once was, has done comparatively little mischief.
Augustine Birrell quotes
A great library easily begets affection, which may deepen into love.
Augustine Birrell
Great is bookishness and the charm of books.
Birrell Augustine quotes
It is pleasant to be admitted into the birth-chamber of a great idea destined to be translated into action.
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