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Art Spiegelman

American comics artist, editor, and advocate for the medium of comics, best known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning comic memoir, Maus.
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Art Spiegelman
A manifesto, a diary, a crumpled suicide note, and a still relevant love letter.
Spiegelman quotes
Comics seem to be cooking these days. It's like being a rock star.
I was asking the school shrink, 'Has anyone ever told you the top of your head looks like a penis?' I thought that was a really funny thing to tell a bald shrink.

Spiegelman Art quotes
I became a philosophy major literally to understand why I should put up with this shit.
Spiegelman Art
There's a therapeutic aspect to all making, but the nature of working is to compress, condense, and shape stuff, not to just expunge it. It's not just an exorcism.
Art Spiegelman quotes
What Franz Kafka was to the first half of the 20th century, Philip K. Dick is to the second half.
Art Spiegelman
I guess I don’t subscribe to the twee school. I remember trying to lose our copy of Thomas the Tank Engine before I had to read it again. Life is a more dimensional and interesting affair than vestigially Victorian notions of childhood. I was trying to make something substantial, something to be read and reread.
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