Anonymous is the adjective form of anonymity derived from the Greek word anonymia, meaning "without a name" or "namelessness".
Depression is anger without motivation, it's like having an empty beer bottle with no one to throw it at.
A rolling stone gathers no moss, so there’s nothing to cushion the impact when it hits.
To ignore the past is to jeopardize the future.
If you can't dazzle them with your intelligence, baffle them with your bullshit.
Pain is ever present, but never ever lasting.
history is like your social Security number. long, useless, but needed.
Don't take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway. Van Wilder (previously Bugs Bunny)
The graffito’s on the wall!
Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he could be, and he will become what he should be.
Is your journey really necessary? (2nd World War poster?)
He who listens is he who truly speaks.
Understanding someone is better than words sometimes.
My other badge is enamel.
… few people blame themselves, while it is in the power of self-love to twist the charge against others.
Music is Inspiration & Sentiment. These goods cannot be sold but only shared. - Blue White Stripes
Deaf people can do anything other people can do except hear.
Power is the way to fulfill absolute corruption and greed.
Right or Wrong is always dependent on the context.
You're bad bad, but he(/she) is Great! / He(/She) is not bad, but You are great! [Tony Leung]