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James Branch Cabell

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The desire to write perfectly of beautiful happenings is, as the saying runs, old as the hills — and as immortal.
"Auctorial Induction"

James Branch Cabell

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At what cost, now, may one attempt to write perfectly of beautiful happenings?

James Branch Cabell

Some few there must be in every age and every land of whom life claims nothing very insistently save that they write perfectly of beautiful happenings.

James Branch Cabell

But there is a nature which dwells inside also. Just enjoy that also. There are beautiful hills, beautiful sceneries, and beautiful things created for you by God, but there is a scenery, beautiful mountains, beautiful air, beautiful sound, beautiful light inside also created for you.

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If the poets and warriors who make up the list of Mr. Cabell's heroes devote their lives almost wholly to love, it is for the reason that no other emotion interests him so much or seems to him to furnish so many beautiful happenings about which to write perfectly. Love, like art, is a species of creation, and the moods which attend it, though illusions, are miracles none the less. ... In this tale love is canonized: throned on alabaster above all the vulgar gods it diffuses among its worshipers a crystal radiance in which mortal imperfections perish — or are at least forgotten during certain rapturous hours. Ordinarily one cynical touch will break such pretty bubbles; but Mr. Cabell, himself a master of cynical touches and shrewdly anticipant of them, protects his invention with the competent armor of irony...

James Branch Cabell

How beautiful they are,
The lordly ones
Who dwell in the hills,
In the hollow hills.

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