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Julius Caesar

Roman religious, military, and political leader.
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Julius Caesar
Alea iacta est.
Caesar quotes
Veni, vidi, vici.
It is not the well-fed long-haired man I fear, but the pale and the hungry looking.

Caesar Julius quotes
Men willingly believe what they wish to be true.
Caesar Julius
Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres.
Julius Caesar quotes
Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae.
Julius Caesar
Men are nearly always willing to believe what they wish.
Caesar Julius quotes
I assure you I had rather be the first man here than the second man in Rome.
The greatest man that ever lived was Julius Caesar.
Caesar Julius
Nearly always people believe willingly that which they wish.
Julius Caesar
Said when crossing the river Rubicon with his legions on 10 January, 49 BC, thus beginning the civil war with the forces of Pompey. The Rubicon river was the boundary of Gaul, the province Caesar had the authority to keep his army in. By crossing the river, he had committed an invasion of Italy.

Julius Caesar quotes
Brutus, quia reges eiecit, consul primus factus est; Hic, quia consules eiecit, rex postremo factus est.
Julius Caesar
Galia est pacata.
Caesar quotes
Sunt item, quae appellantur alces. Harum est consimilis capris figura et varietas pellium, sed magnitudine paulo antecedunt mutilaeque sunt cornibus et crura sine nodis articulisque habent neque quietis causa procumbunt neque, si quo adflictae casu conciderunt, erigere sese aut sublevare possunt. His sunt arbores pro cubilibus: ad eas se applicant atque ita paulum modo reclinatae quietem capiunt. Quarum ex vestigiis cum est animadversum a venatoribus, quo se recipere consuerint, omnes eo loco aut ab radicibus subruunt aut accidunt arbores, tantum ut summa species earum stantium relinquatur. Huc cum se consuetudine reclinaverunt, infirmas arbores pondere adfligunt atque una ipsae concidunt.
Caesar Julius
the rule of Caesar, although during its establishment it gave no little trouble to its opponents, still, after they had been overpowered and had accepted it, they saw that it was a tyranny only in name and appearance, and no cruel or tyrannical act was authorized by it; nay, it was plain that the ills of the state required a monarchy, and that Caesar, like a most gentle physician, had been assigned to them by Heaven itself. Therefore the Roman people felt at once a yearning for Caesar, and in consequence became harsh and implacable towards his murders
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