Actually... "GP reader" is an oxymoron, Dennis, as I haven't found that a single person who posts here reads anything other than cheat code books. No newspapers, no Bible, no Constitution, none of the West's classics, just cheat code books. Very, very sad. Criminal, really. Jack
[not in citation given]Jack Thompson
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Jack Thompson Gets It Right Yet Again
The defense of the video game industry by libertarians within the GOP, like this knucklehead, was identified and explained in great detail in my book, Out of Harms's Way.
Dennis McCauley missed it, and so did all of you, since my book is not officially listed as a "cheat code book."
The real conservatives in the GOP are not libertarians. They actually have values and understand that civicvirtue is an indispensable element in preserving freedom. Duh. Jack ThompsonJack Thompson
We are going to have a hearing here in Florida to stop release of the game to minors. But you all wouldn't know that at Joystiq, because all you apparently can read is cheat code books. Duh.
Jack Thompson
"Jack Thompson thinks it's great...
That pixelantes are so self-deluded that they think a term that points out their practice of targeting those with whom they disagree for death threats, obscene e-mails, and the like is somehow a badge of honors.
:Kind of like Nazis and Talibanis saying "Hey, look at me. I've got my Adolf Hitler underwear on!" Or "Hey, I've got my Talibani jockstrap on in this Afghan rape room."
So, party on Wayne. Party on Garths. You're so stupid that you don't even know what the terrorist epithet means. Duh.
Oh, and proof that the Thug in Chief is GP's Dennis McCauley: He allows posts here defaming me, and yet, in wonderful defense of freedom of expression, he just "banned" jack12345678 from posting this response to the above idiotic question. Wow, what a First Amendment hypocrite Dennis McCauley is.
Hey, Dennis, tell these Pixelante Thugs about the threatening letter you sent me saying I can't post at this site? Gee, looks like I can, Dennis, despite your efforts.
Oh, and Dennis, tell us all about how the St. Paul Pioneer Press ordered you to stop lying about your status as a "columnist" there. That's the real reason you've ineffectually tried to "ban" me here. You don't want the gaming community to know you are a disingenuous fraud. Jack Thompson
Hooah! Jack ThompsonJack Thompson
That house, whatever it was, was the embodiment of all the coldness in his mind. Harley said to himself: "Whatever has been done to me, I've been cheated. Someone has robbed me of something so thoroughly I don't even know what it is. It's been a cheat, a cheat.…"
Brian Aldiss
The case of programs today is very different from that of books a hundred years ago. The fact that the easiest way to copy a program is from one neighbor to another, the fact that a program has both source code and object code which are distinct, and the fact that a program is used rather than read and enjoyed, combine to create a situation in which a person who enforces a copyright is harming society as a whole both materially and spiritually; in which a person should not do so regardless of whether the law enables him to.
Richard M. Stallman
Thompson, Jack
Thompson, John Sparrow