No, I'm not being ignored... I was the guy whose success in the Alabama Supreme Court was in a national Associated Press story last week. I was quoted in it, and frankly I did not see you quoted. Who is being ignored? You and your pixelante thugs are, that's who. Jack Thompson PS: Hooah!
[not in citation given]Jack Thompson
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Jack Thompson Has News for You Pixelante Children
1. Is Australia a great country, or what?
2. GamePolitics is not reporting the big news out of South Florida regarding your relentlessly successful video game nemesis, Jack Thompson. Wonder why?
3. We are winning the most important video game lawsuit in history, in Alabama, as the state's Supreme Court has cleared the way for the trial.
4. Just watched G4. Is this a cable channel for total morons? Apparently.
5. Dennis McCauley has just been indicted by the anti-hypocrite prosecutors, for banning a video game critic from GP, in the name of freedom of expression. Duh.
PS: Jack Thompson is making a difference, and you aren't.Jack Thompson
By All Means, Please Contact Judge Moore!
His name is James Moore, Fayette County Circuit Court Judge.
I still represent all of the families in the matter, and I am wonderfully involved in the case. I was in Birmingham last week meeting with the far more important Judge Moore, Former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. He came to hear my speech there. Of course, you wouldn't know, because you weren't there. Probably in drug rehab.
Anyway, Judge Moore's fax number is CENSORED if you want to express to him any concerns about me and to ask him if these families are still my clients. He might find the inquiry amusing. Judge Moore has his own ethics problems, and you might want to ask him about that. Just be nice to him! Hooah! Jack ThompsonJack Thompson
I've been a little busy utterly destroying Rockstar (see Alabama Supreme Court ruling yesterday, which your Dennis McCauley here won't report). Seems that Dennis knows what a huge body blow this is to the industry and he won't report it for that reason. I'll get around to my website when I don't have more important things to do, like getting Paul Eibeler arrested. Stay tuned for that one. Jack Thompson PS: HOOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack Thompson
"Jack Thompson thinks it's great...
That pixelantes are so self-deluded that they think a term that points out their practice of targeting those with whom they disagree for death threats, obscene e-mails, and the like is somehow a badge of honors.
:Kind of like Nazis and Talibanis saying "Hey, look at me. I've got my Adolf Hitler underwear on!" Or "Hey, I've got my Talibani jockstrap on in this Afghan rape room."
So, party on Wayne. Party on Garths. You're so stupid that you don't even know what the terrorist epithet means. Duh.
Oh, and proof that the Thug in Chief is GP's Dennis McCauley: He allows posts here defaming me, and yet, in wonderful defense of freedom of expression, he just "banned" jack12345678 from posting this response to the above idiotic question. Wow, what a First Amendment hypocrite Dennis McCauley is.
Hey, Dennis, tell these Pixelante Thugs about the threatening letter you sent me saying I can't post at this site? Gee, looks like I can, Dennis, despite your efforts.
Oh, and Dennis, tell us all about how the St. Paul Pioneer Press ordered you to stop lying about your status as a "columnist" there. That's the real reason you've ineffectually tried to "ban" me here. You don't want the gaming community to know you are a disingenuous fraud. Jack Thompson
Hooah! Jack ThompsonJack Thompson
Typical Pixelante Yep, looks like a typical gamer vigilante to me, which is why the term is Pixelante. Thanks for further visual confirmation of my point and the wisdom of coining the term. Hooah! Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
Thompson, Jack
Thompson, John Sparrow