Actually, nitwit, the Republican majority on the Committee loved my being there and told me so. You need to get out more often. See the below posting as to our court ruling in Alabama. Games aren't speech, anymore than you are a sentient being.
[not in citation given]Jack Thompson
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Unfortunately, the "games aren't speech" comments attributed to me at the Delaware House Judiciary Committee hearing were not fully reported. I went on to note that the controller's use as a data input device as well as the means by which the Dual Shock controller gives biofeedback renders the entire mechanism a device, which of course it is.
It is this argument that carried the day at our November 3 hearing in Alabama on the First Amendment, which I alone argued, against the mighty and unethical Blank Rome, and we won the hearing on my argument. So, kids, you can fuss and fume all you want, and the guy who showed up in a T-shirt at the hearing can be as upset as he wants, but nobody but an extremist ideologue thinks that mature-rated games whose "M" label is an admission of the harm to minors of the games thinks that a video game is "political speech" under any sane reading of the First Amendment.
If you all don't know what "political speech" is, then you need to review some court cases on the subject. As to whether games are speech of any kind, please note that "speech" doesn't cause hand injuries which are warned of on the Dual Shock Controller.
A video game isn't any more "speech" than a gun is. Both are devices.
And for all of you who think that the First Amendment protects everything, tell Dennis McCauley to stop acting like a child and preventing me from posting here through Live Journal. You all have missed a ton of bad news for the video game industry simply because Dennis McCauley can't, as a journalist wannabe, handle the truth.
Jack ThompsonJack Thompson
Actually, I am correct, of course, as video games are actually devices, simulators. A lawn mower is not speech because it makes noise.You really need to get to a law library and see what is actually protected by the First Amendment. I won the hearing on this issue in Alabama, and you did not. Hooah! Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
This finding at Harvard by Kimberly Thompson... enhances even more our case in Alabama. This shows the broad deception by the industry in marketing and selling harmful video games to kids. Note also that Vice City, which is the game the killer in Alabama played, is one of the games studied at Harvard. Hooah! Life is good. My future is so bright I've got to wear shades. Jack Thompson PS: I understand the First Amendment, and you don't.
Jack Thompson
I like not only to be loved, but also to be told that I am loved. I am not sure that you are of the same kind. But the realm of silence is large enough beyond the grave. This is the world of light and speech, and I shall take leave to tell you that you are very dear.
George Eliot
I've been a little busy utterly destroying Rockstar (see Alabama Supreme Court ruling yesterday, which your Dennis McCauley here won't report). Seems that Dennis knows what a huge body blow this is to the industry and he won't report it for that reason. I'll get around to my website when I don't have more important things to do, like getting Paul Eibeler arrested. Stay tuned for that one. Jack Thompson PS: HOOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack Thompson
Thompson, Jack
Thompson, John Sparrow