He's not interested enough in getting the stories right but rather in running over the truth to get it out first. McCauley has repeatedly reported stories wrong that have harmed me, and he couldn't care less. The Dave Walsh fabrication is just one of them.
And here he was today deleting my posts, so as to keep a lid on his own latest screw-up.
:This guy for months has been misrepresenting his relationship with the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and he finally got caught--this after falsely misreporting that I was saying David Walsh endorsed me. Never said it. Never would say it. Yet McCauley ran that story without talking with me.
[not in citation given]Jack Thompson
» Jack Thompson - all quotes »
Here's the truth, junior Actually, I got banned in large part because I revealed Dennis McCauley was told by the St. Paul Pioneer Press to stop lying about his affiliation with that paper. They told him to stop. Dennis didn't want you to know that. This is the guy who falsely reported that I was saying Dave Walsh supported me! Yet Dennis didn't want you to know he was falsely palming himself off as a Pioneer Press columnist. Total hypocrisy by Dennis McCauley.
Jack Thompson
Dennis McCauley published here a letter they wrote for David Walsh. Duh.
Jack Thompson
Dennis McCauley Is Correct!
"It's all very confusing to GamePolitics." Dennis McCauley is absolutely correct. He IS confused.
My Modest Proposal was a lampooning of the targeting of police officers and women by the violent video game industry. Not surprised that a mere freelance writer, not a columnist as he claims, for the Philadelphia Inquirer wouldn't get it. The St. Paul Pioneer Press ordered McCauley to stop falsely presenting himself as a "columnist" for that paper, so we know the man is a fake.
Secondly, there is a huge difference between lampooning people who target others and assisting others in targeting others, which is precisely what GamePolitics has now done, again.
The fact that Newgrounds took down the game, upon my protest, is an admission that it should not have been done in the first place. It was not taken down, or "blammed" because of a low rating. The game rating of it was high. They got scared, and they should be scared.
Dennis McCauley is not scared because he is dumb. "Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom." Let's see, that would make Dennis McCauley the most unwise boy on the block today.
What you folks here are going to learn is that Dennis McCauley is not quite as clever as he thinks he is. Stay tuned. Jack ThompsonJack Thompson
Dennis McCauley just got caught, which is why he was deleting my posts. Read this thread and weep. YOur great GP leader has been shown to be a fraud.
Jack Thompson
In other words, Mr. McCauley has been caught calling himself a "columnist," when in fact he is not, and Mr. Thom Fladung, who is the senior editor at the paper is telling Dennis that if he continues to portray himself, falsely, as a "columnist" then they will not continue to have the option to run it.
Nice going, Dennis. I warned you months ago that you should stop misrepresenting your relationship with this paper, and you didn't take the advice. Jack ThompsonJack Thompson
Thompson, Jack
Thompson, John Sparrow