Happiness Quotes - random - 100+ quotes
My life is great because I made it that way. Anything other than happiness doesn't get a pass key.
Indolence is a delightful but distressing state; we must be doing something to be happy.
I am not happy to play for Barcelona, but Barcelona should be happy that I play there.
Here are some happy English soldiers.
They are going to make the Irish happy.
It is the pursuit of happiness that brings us happiness, and not the happiness achieved.
Chess, like love, like music, has the power to make men happy.
Happiness may be difficult to obtain. The obstacles are not primarily financial.
Blest is that nation whose silent course of happiness furnishes nothing for history to say.
The happiness consists in realizing that it is all a great strange dream.
The secret of happiness is to admire without desiring. And that is not happiness.
I know I will never be happy but I know I can be gay!
I am one of those unhappy persons who inspire bores to the greatest flights of art.
The happiness of the ignorant is but an animal’s paradise.
"No autocracy can lead people to believe that they are living in harmony and happiness."
There is not a more unhappy being than a superannuated idol.
Happiness is a mystery like religion, and should never be rationalised.
Who shall say I am not
the happy genius of my household?
Happiness comes out of contentment, and contentment always comes out of service.
Just don't compare it with a real language, or you'll be unhappy... :-)
We must laugh before we are happy, for fear we die before we laugh at all.