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Dan Patrick

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Goodbye. Game over. Drive home safely.

Dan Patrick

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So many faces in and out of my life
Some will last
Some will be just now and then.
Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes
I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again.
Say goodbye to Hollywood
Say goodbye my baby
Say goodbye to Hollywood
Say goodbye my baby.

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"They had no game plan for losing. . . . Because when you can't win a game, you need to run the clock, don't let it stop, don't throw passes incomplete . . . get the game over with, get on the bus and go home."

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Home is where the people who live there need me to come home to them, and worry about me when I'm gone. There's no such place on this earth, no matter how far I drive.

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Say goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to the president, and say goodbye to yourself, because you're a nice guy. ... I'll see, I'll see.

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Home-made dishes that drive one from home.

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