Technology Quotes - random - 100+ quotes
Law and technology produce, together, a kind of regulation of creativity we've not seen before.
Myth does not improve with the growth of society or technology, much less become abolished by them.
There is no technological magic bullet that will make the government as smart as it is powerful.
Microkernels are not a pipe dream. They represent proven technology.
The potential of any new technology is always dissipated by its users involvement in its predecessors.
The development of technology will leave only one problem: the infirmity of human nature.
The nature of technology depends very much upon what the public can be induced to put up with.
Almost all computer systems of the future will utilize real-time scientific principles and technology.
I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.
Technology does not always equal progress.
Being on the "Hold" is the technological equivalent of purgatory.
The acceleration of technological progress has been the central feature of this century.
Advances in technology will not permit the maintenance of the status quo, as far as privacy is concerned.
It saddened him that military technology was so much more advanced than he’d ever imagined.
The Republic of Technology where we will be living is a feedback world.
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.
In this century, technology will concentrate on the brain, whose heavenly potential, is yet to be realized.
Science vs. Technology: We should know why things must act as they do, to make them act as we want them to.
A moral point of view too often serves as a substitute for understanding in technological matters.
Each new technology is a reprogramming of sensory life.