Religion Quotes - page 66
Thank God that sow's gone to the butcher.
Kill not, cause no pain. Nonviolence is the greatest religion.
Thou canst not pray to God without praying to Love, but mayest pray to Love without praying to God.
Gay love, God save it, so soone hotte, so soone colde.
God help the nation where self-caricature and satire are verboten.
Can God, the creator of the universe, be compared to such an ugly, horrible, disgraceful doll?
I wasn't brought up with any religion, actually.
We Americans have no commission from God to police the world.
A refusal to believe that God loves us is the unbelief which destroys the soul.
I am sure it was not my faith, but it was God in His compassion coming to help me in that hour of need.
Men of God, before anything else, are indispensable to the furtherance of the kingdom of God on earth.
God says he will never be satisfied with the infidels.
The Dodgson family worshipped the God of Love, who showed his stern face only in the presence of evil.
the fear of God together with a keen eye for the main chance.
I hit rock bottom, but thank God my bottom wasn't death.
By God, Harrison, I will see you righted!
We have a responsibility to CARE. Thank God we’re at a place that has the tradition of this program.
Love is the grandest thing on God's earth, but fortunate the lover who has plenty of money.
Whether I was in my body or out of my body I know not. God knows it!
When I forget my sovereign, may my God forget me.