Religion Quotes - page 41
[T]here is nothing that God hates so much as a liar.
God is only a great imaginative experience.
The notion that God was everywhere put paid to any possible peace of mind by the time I was six.
Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched.
When you bow deeply to the universe, it bows back; when you call out the name of God, it echoes inside you.
God tempers the wind, said Maria, to the shorn lamb.
The best of it all is, God is with us.
God knows that we should not despise anything. We must do our best.
My God, these folks don't know how to love — that's why they love so easily.
The Bible is God's great lesson book...
Every one, though born of God in an instant, yet undoubtedly grows by slow degrees.
Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.
Khomeini has offered us the opportunity to regain our frail religion ... faith in the power of words.
Every Muslim must rise to defend his religion. The wind of faith is blowing.
Liberty, next to religion has been the motive of good deeds and the common pretext of crime...
We read his words and our heart opens. Suddenly we realize our home is with God.
Voluntary self-directed religion was more dangerous to the Church than any number of infidels.
I count religion but a childish toy,
And hold there is no sin but ignorance.
God bless mommy and daddy, and please can we have some candy.
The groves were God's first temples.