Religion Quotes - page 29
O God, if there is a God, forgive him his sins, if there is such a thing as sin.
Chokey thinks religion is just divine.
Nothing would please me more, but who else would pump the oil that we need? God damn America.
O God, make me good, but not yet.
God is a sound people make when they're too tired to think anymore.
He just wanted to play robot, for God's sake. Was that so wrong?
From the point of view of a tapeworm, man was created by God to serve the appetite of the tapeworm.
"God will punish the wicked. And before He does, we will."
Whatever we cannot easily understand we call God; this saves much wear and tear on the brain tissues.
Change is the law of God's mind and resistance to it is the source of all pain.
Organised religion is something I find hard to follow.
That night, that year
Of now done darkness I wretch lay wrestling with (my God!) my God.
Give beauty back, beauty, beauty, beauty, back to God, beauty's self and beauty's giver.
Religion and art spring from the same root and are close kin. Economics and art are strangers.
God will give him blood to drink!
Doesn't anybody understand that killing in the name of God only makes Him a murderer?
You don't need to pray to God any more when there are storms in the sky, but you do have to be insured.
Rev. Moon is presenting a very simple concept. We are all children of God.
We leaders should leave the tradition that we have become crazy for God.