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Sadik Kaceli (1912 – 2000)

Albanian realist painter.
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Sadik Kaceli
“Vepra ka strukturėn e njė kori ku janė tė gjitha zėrat, qė lidhen mė njėri-tjetrin si nė njė polifoni, ku herė del sipėr rrėfyesi, herė tė thėnat e Kacelit, dhe herė zėrat e atyre qė shprehen pėr tė. Dhe kjo polifoni ka njė sfond tė rėndėsishėm: materialin fotografik shumė tė pasur, qoftė edhe me dokumenta, me foto tė jetės dhe kryesorja, me fotot e pikturave qė pėrbėjnė fillin e Arianės nė kėtė udhėtim aspak tė lehtė dhe i jep atmosferėn e duhur pėr ta ndjekur me kureshtje”
Kaceli quotes
I have never agreed to the word of creative activity. Man does not create. In the best case, he interprets, in a good or bad way; in the worst case, he manipulates, cheats and causes confusion; like in all the walks of life, in art as well...
Life is no speculation, but the path towards something.

Kaceli Sadik quotes
Pėr nivel tė lartė nė krijimtari, njė kontribut nė shquar nė artet figurative Shqiptare dhe njė ndihmė tė pakursyer nė pėrgatitjen e brezave tė artistėve tė rinj.
Kaceli Sadik
Kaceli, the titian of the Albanian painting.
Sadik Kaceli quotes
Art is neither the monopoly of a nation, nor of a social class, or the major age. People of outstanding talens and fine feelings, people who are not lacking in imagnation and the sense of creation, as well as good will-power. They are privileged to be involved in ART.
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