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Robert Stewart Castlereagh (1769 – 1822)

Irish and British statesman.
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Robert Stewart Castlereagh
I feel no wrath against the people, I am only doing my duty.
Castlereagh quotes
Quest.—Why is a Pump like Viscount Castlereagh?
Answ.—Because it is a slender thing of wood,
That up and down its awkward arm doth sway,
And coolly spout, and spout, and spout away,
In one weak, washy, everlasting flood!
Just and passionless.

There probably never was a statesman whose ideas were so right and whose attitude to public opinion was so wrong. Such disparity between the grasp of ends and the understanding of means amounts to a failure in statesmanship.
As for my friend Lord Castlereagh, he is so cold that nothing can warm him.
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