Nelson Rodrigues (1912 – 1980)
Brazilian playwright, journalist and novelist.
To save the audience we must fill the stage with murderers, adulterers and madmen; in short, we must fire a salvo of monsters at them. They are our monster which we will temporarily free ourselves from only to face another day.
Human beings are blind to their own faults. In the movies, villains never proclaim that they are villains. Nor do idiots say that they are idiots. Our faults lie within us, active and fierce, but unconfessed. I've never seen a man walk downstage and announce, his head held high, "Ladies and gentleman, I'm a scumbag!"
If life turns her back on you, grab her ass.
Love is eternal. If it ends, it wasn't love.
The young have all the same flaws adults do. Plus one: immaturity.
I envy stupidity, stupidity is eternal.
Until the day when a wise black man can become our ambassador in Paris, we will forever be a pre-Brazil.""
Husbands shouldn't be the last to know. Husbands should never know!
Every shy person is a potential sex offender.
Only the prophets see the obvious.
The bed is a metaphysical piece of furniture.
Adulthood does not exist. Man is an eternal child.
It's very hard not to be a scumbag nowadays. Everywhere there are pressures that work towards our personal and collective debasement.
In soccer, the blindest player is the one who sees nothing but the ball.
The keyhole is my lens as a writer.
To love is to be faithful to those who cheat on us.
Love is impossible without bite marks.
Unanimity is always stupid.
The audience will only truly respect you when they have no idea what is going on.