Miguel de Cervantes (1547 – 1616)
Spanish novelist, poet and playwright.
Those who'll play with cats must expect to be scratched.
Time ripens all things. No man is born wise. Bishops are made of men and not of stones.
A knight errant who turns mad for a reason deserves neither merit nor thanks. The thing is to do it without cause.
Well, now, there's a remedy for everything except death.
Thou hast seen nothing yet.
Tomorrow will be a new day.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
In me the need to talk is a primary impulse, and I can't help saying right off what comes to my tongue.
My heart is wax molded as she pleases, but enduring as marble to retain.
What a man has, so much he's sure of.
Think before thou speakest.
That's the nature of women ... not to love when we love them, and to love when we love them not.
Tell me thy company, and I'll tell thee what thou art.
It will probably never be possible to prove that Cervantes was a cristiano nuevo, but the circumstantial evidence seems compelling. The Instruccion written by Fernan Diaz de Toledo in the mid-fifteenth century lists the Cervantes family as among the many noble clans of Spain that were of converso origin.
La pluma es la lengua del alma: cuales fueren los conceptos que en ella se engendraren, tales serán sus escritos.
The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me.
A little in one's own pocket is better than much in another man's purse. 'Tis good to keep a nest egg. Every little makes a mickle.
Delay always breeds danger.
Remember the old saying, "Faint heart ne'er won fair lady."