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Marshall McLuhan (1911 – 1980)

Canadian philosopher, futurist, and communications theorist.
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Marshall McLuhan
The audience, as ground, shapes and controls the work of art.
McLuhan quotes
The celebrated earthy tactility of Rabelais is a massive backwash of receding manuscript culture.
The only cool PR is provided by one's enemies. They toil incessantly and for free. (88)

McLuhan Marshall quotes
Marshall McLuhan, what are you doin'?
McLuhan Marshall
The nuclear bomb will turn warfare into the juggling of images.
Marshall McLuhan quotes
The logos of creation, 'And God Said ...' formed the basis of Christian interpretation of the 'Book of Nature.'
Marshall McLuhan
New media are new languages, their grammar and syntax yet unknown.
McLuhan Marshall quotes
The sculptural qualities of the image dim down the purely personal identity.
The sheer increase in the quantity of information movement favoured the visual organization of knowledge and the rise of perspective even before typography.
McLuhan Marshall
The name of a man is a numbing blow from which he never recovers.
Marshall McLuhan
Electric technology is directly related to our central nervous systems, so it is ridiculous to talk of "what the public wants" played over its own nerves.

Marshall McLuhan quotes
Sentimentality, like pornography, is fragmented emotion; a natural consequence of a high visual gradient in any culture.
Marshall McLuhan
The space of early Greek cosmology was structured by logos – resonant utterance or word.
McLuhan quotes
At the very high speed of living, everybody needs a new career and a new job and a totally new personality every ten years.
McLuhan Marshall
Today, with all our technology, and because of it, we stand once more in the magical acoustical sphere of pre-literate man.
McLuhan Marshall quotes
In this book we turn to the study of new patterns of energy arising from man’s physical and psychic artifacts and social organizations. The only method for perceiving process and pattern is by inventory of effects obtained by the comparison and contrast of developing situations.
Marshall McLuhan
The comic strip: upholder of Homeric culture.
Marshall McLuhan quotes
All words, in every language, are metaphors.
Marshall McLuhan
Boyoboy oboyoboy oboyoboyoboyoboyoboyoboy...
McLuhan Marshall
New media are new archetypes, at first disguised as degradations of older media.
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