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Kent Hovind

Kent Hovind
"Evolutionism is a religious world view that is not supported by science, Scripture, popular opinion, or common sense. The exclusive teaching of this dangerous, mind-altering philosophy in tax supported schools, parks, museums, etc. is a clear violation of the First Amendment."
Hovind quotes
"Evolution was Vladimir Ilich Lenin’s problem. Lenin lead the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and took over Russia. He killed the Zar [sic] and his family in cold blood. There would not be communism in Russia today if had not been for Charles Darwin's book on evolution."
"Of course the Devil is laughing at folks for believing it [Big Bang, etc.]. But hey, it works, it sends 'em to Hell, so he'll use it."

Hovind Kent quotes
"...and the federal government is supposed to be the servant to the state government, states are supposed to be supreme, states' rights. Which goes into a long story of the wrong side winning the civil war, right? What was the civil war, it was Abe Lincoln's war, it wasn't the civil war..."
Hovind Kent
"New World Order, coming to a city near you. They are starting next month in South America, putting microchips in people. That's the plan. America is slated for this fall. Put microchips in the palm of the right hand."
Kent Hovind quotes
"What do HIV, West Nile Fever, Gulf war syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Wegener's disease, Parkinson's disease, Crohn's colitis, Type I diabetes, and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's have in common? These plagues were all developed as a joint effort by the money masters and governments of the world under the guise of biowarfare research."
Kent Hovind
People ask me all the time, "Hovind, do you think there's intelligent life on other planets?" I say, "Nope. I taught high school for fifteen years. There is not much intelligent life on this planet."
Hovind Kent quotes
Hovind: "Yes, Kay, I think you are right on target. I think that may be one of the reasons why there's so much hype about UFOs. It's psychological conditioning for when the Rapture takes place."
"Maybe the purpose of the space program [NASA] is to prepare the world for Big Brother - the New World Order."
Hovind Kent
In a court document the Hovinds referred to the United States Government as "the 'bankrupt' corporate government" and said they were revoking their United States citizenship and social security numbers to become "a natural citizen of 'America' and a natural sojourner."
Kent Hovind
"I'm going to be real surprised if we go two more years. We are so close [to the New World Order]. All we need is one good disaster - which will be manufactured - they create their own disasters. Like the Twin Towers - they blew it up themselves - and they do that so they can bring in their solution. And what they want - if you look at what they want - they want a one world government - a New World Order - with Satan in charge. Period. That's the goal."

Kent Hovind quotes
"The Earth is billions of years old. The geologic column is the way to interpret it, and Charles Darwin's evolution is right." That is what they teach in order to be a good communist. Did you know that Russian teachers come to America to study education because the American educational system is considered the best in the world for teaching students these three principals. This prepares them to be good communists and to doubt the word of God."
Kent Hovind
When asked by the Judge were he lives, Hovind replied "I live in the church of Jesus Christ, which is located all over the world. I have no residence."
Hovind quotes
"American capitalism has helped finance the communist take over of the world. Somebody is going to answer to God for this."
Hovind Kent
"GUN CONTROL! That is what the Branch Davidian compound attack was all about. David Koresh was a gun collector and a tax evader. Boy, they didn't like him, and one of the purposes for that raid was to scare the American people into submission. You better register your firearms. Make sure they know. They might come for you as they did for Koresh."
Hovind Kent quotes
"The purpose of the environmental movement is to establish control over the people."
Kent Hovind
"[.....] this New World Order has plans to reduce the population by May 5 of the year 2000 [.....] down to one half billion very soon."
Kent Hovind quotes
"[.....] most of the environmental hype [regarding global warming] is really to help bring about Karl Marx's dream (nightmare) of a Communist world." [by reduction, and ultimately elimination of private property rights]
Kent Hovind
"Could it be that people accept evolution because [....] They know that evolution is the only philosophy that can be used to justify their political agenda of: i. Communism, ii. Racism, iii. Abortion, iv. Nazism, v. Socialism, vi. Gay rights, vii. Women's liberation, viii. Extreme environmentalism, ix. Euthanasia, x. Pornography, xi. Humanism, xii. New Age Movement
Hovind Kent
"When the Twin Towers collapsed do you know what was in the basement? [...] Lots of gold. Do you know where it is? [...] Nobody does. It disappeared. Did those buildings drop down to cover a great crime being committed? Somebody is taking all this gold out of the Twin Tower basement. Makes you wonder."

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