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Jimmy Durante (1893 – 1980)

American pianist, actor, comedian, composer, and singer; usually known as Jimmy Durante, also nicknamed "The Schnozzola", and "The Schnoz", in reference to his large nose.
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Jimmy Durante
I don't know where it's going, but I'm sticking with it!
Durante quotes
That's the conditions that prevail!
Everybody wants ta get inta da act!

Durante Jimmy quotes
Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.
Durante Jimmy
Surrounded by assassins!
Jimmy Durante quotes
Inka dinka doo, a dinka dee,
A dinka doo.
Oh, what a tune for crooning.
Inka dinka doo, a dinka dee
A dinka doo.
It's got the whole world spooning.
Jimmy Durante
Don't put no constrictions on da people. Leave 'em ta hell alone.
Durante Jimmy quotes
Be nice to people goin' up, because you're going to meet them all comin' down.
Politics is developing more comedians than radio ever did.
Durante Jimmy
Be nice to 'em goin' up, because you're going to meet them all comin' down.
Jimmy Durante
I was hurt so deep that I made up my mind never to hurt anybody else, no matter what. I never made jokes about anybody's big ears, their stut- terin', or about them bein' off their nut.

Jimmy Durante quotes
I'm mortified!
Jimmy Durante
Be awful nice to 'em goin' up, because you're gonna meet 'em all comin' down.
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