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James Agate (1877 – 1947)

English drama critic and diarist.
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James Agate
A professional is a man who can do his job when he doesn't feel like it; an amateur is one who can't when he does feel like it.
Agate quotes
Shaw's plays are the price we pay for Shaw’s prefaces.
Perhaps, after all, there is something in the theory that only the ultra-busy can find time for everything.

Agate James quotes
The maddest phenomenon in this wholly mad world – that the filming or wirelessing of an event, whether it is the Grand National or an attack in force on the Maginot Line, is held to be of more importance than the event itself.
Agate James
The producer. This is a person engaged by the management to conceal the fact that the players cannot act.
James Agate quotes
I like listening to it just as I like looking at a fuchsia drenched with rain.
James Agate
The worst of failure in this kind is that it spoils the market for more competent performers.
Agate James quotes
I don't know very much but what I do know I know better than anybody, and I don't want to argue about it…My mind is not a bed to be made and re-made.
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