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Jack Thompson (1976 – 2008)

John Bruce "Jack" Thompson is an American activist who was an American attorney often cited in the media for his extreme views on the effects of obscenity and violence in popular media.
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Jack Thompson
That is exactly what the Harvard study stays. It says the descriptors are way off and that the T rated games contain M levels of violence. I've even spoken with Harvard's Kimberly Thompson about the "ratings creep." No, that's not Patricia Vance. It's the fake nature of the game ratings. Grow up and learn how to read. Jack Thompson
Thompson quotes
Wow, are you confused. The man who was voted Video Game Co-Person of the Year, along with Paul Eibeler, for 2005 is testifying before a state legislature on behalf of a constitutional video game bill, and that is not news at a site supposedly dedicated to covering governmental efforts against the video game industry? What illegal substance are you on, bucko?
Truth Detector Here
Listen up, children. A law that prohibits the sale of an adult game to a kid does not "stifle creativity." It stifles child molestation. Big freaking difference.
There goes VGVN lying again. They say they want parents involved in this process, yet they want the "right" to sell a mature game to a kid with no parent in sight.
Jack Thompson

Thompson Jack quotes
Oh, and certain regional governments in Japan have banned the sale of the Grand Theft Auto games to minors, but Japan's Sony has no problem whatsoever dumping this garbage into American kids' brains. Looks like Pearl Harbor 2 by Sony/Take-Two...
Thompson Jack
funny how corporations, according to your stupid generation...never do anything wrong. that nonsense is what led to viet nam, junior. hooah!
Jack Thompson quotes
I have made a choice, and it is a choice for Jesus Jesus said: "If any of you should cause any of these little ones to stumble, then it would be better for you that a millstone be tied around your neck and that you be cast into the sea." Rockstar is marketing adult murder simulators to kids. You are an apologist for that molestation. You're the one who needs to square his actions with the Bible, not I. I'm the one winning cases in the Bible Belt, not you. Please go to Hell more quietly. Thanks. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
I am counsel for all of the plaintiffs, they are still my clients, I was the one who won the First Amendment argument in the hearing on November 3, 2005, which trial record was what was appealed to the Alabama Supreme Court, and I fully expect to be in the courtroom trying the case when it is tried.
Thompson Jack quotes
Jack Thompson on Kansas Television This Evening
Pixelantes and Hal Halpin, Who Is Just a Highly Paid Pixelante Lobbyist:
I am on Kansas television tonight and your're not. I'll be explaining to folks in Senator Brownback's homestate that some of the perps involved in the "Kansas Columbine" incited were found to be gamers by virtue of my close work with the law enforcement community there.
On the other side of the ledger, you have Hal Halpin, who spends days and nights doing whatever he can to make sure other parents' kids have access to violent video games that are mature-rated. If Hal Halpin really wanted to stop the sale of mature-rated games to kids he would stop agitating against legislation that requires a parent to make the purchasing choice.
See, Hal Halpin can't have it both ways, and maintain to the public that he is an honest individual. If the industry acknowledges that the mature-rated games are inappropriate for minors, then you can't also be for a scheme, as is Hal Halpin, that allows the sale of a mature-rated game to a kid with no parent in sight.
Either prohibit the sale of these games to kids, or stop pretending to want to stop the sales. The Federal Trade Commission repeatedly states that 35% or more of the kids who got to major retailers are able to buy these mature games. A kid who goes to two retailers has a better than 50% chance of getting the game. Hal opposes doing anything to stop the totally unregulated sale of mature games to kids of any age via the Internet.
Hal Halpin assists, daily, the video game industry's mental molestation of minors for money. Hal, get an honest job, please. Jack Thompson
Yep, enemies. Grow up.
Thompson Jack
Jack Thompson, and have a nice day ;)
Jack Thompson
Michael Moore Is a Big Windbag
Of course Michael Moore doesn't think video games have anything to do with the massacres at Columbine, Red Lake, Cold Spring, Paducah, Jonesboro, etc., etc., because the whole purpose of Bowling for Columbine was to indict the gun industry, even though Klebold and Harris broke the gun laws to get their hands on the guns.
Moore is distrustful of all major concentrations of power, unless they're concentrations in the leftwing media, then they don't exist.
Michael Moore is not a filmmaker. He's simply a very technically proficient propagandist in the Joseph Goebbels tradition. Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson quotes
GTA is a Sony/Take-Two game. It was made by Take-Two exclusively for Sony's Playstation 2. Sony has led the planet in the distribution of mainstream porn. I don't have time to document it for you. As for the offensiveness of the Pearl Harbor comment, it's accurate and it's needed. The Japanese have a contempt for our culture which is patent. There [sic] dumping of garbage into our culture is a slow motion version of Pearl Harbor.
Jack Thompson
No, I Have Lots of Time, Because I Don't Waste It Playing Video Games By the way, Hal Halpin did NOT testify before this Subcommittee. That is a total fabrication by Dennis McCauley. Hal Halpin was not on the witness list, and McCauley knows it. So this site not only censors the news, it makes it up.
Thompson quotes
Radical, fascist Islamists recruit to their cause partly with the cry that American pop culture is raw sewage flowing to the rest of the world from a corrupted West. Take-Two helps cut the legs off the rebuttal to that argument. That is precisely why your corporate legs must be cut off
Thompson Jack
But I'm sick and tired of your being sick and tired... about our tearing apart your "hobby." So, what's your hobby? Selling mature-rated games to children?
This is what it's about. Open up your eyes and read the story.
This is not about taking adult games away from adults. It's about taking adult games away from kids.
If you don't understand that, then you simply have not been paying attention.
The ESA and the ESRB have been saying kids shouldn't buy these games. Fine. Spitzer is going to hold them to that, and they're squealing like stuck pigs because they never meant it. They lied.
If your "hobby" is to engage in commercial fraud, then you're right: Spitzer is out to take your hobby away. If your hobby is playing these games, and you're over 17 then relax, will you? You're acting paranoid.
Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack quotes
You've been pwned.
Jack Thompson
Dennis McCauley has not deleted the above use of obscenity. Shame on him. If Dennis dares--dares--ban me from posting at this site again, then he'll be in more trouble than he already is. Jack Thompson
PS: I'm not a troll. I actually use my real name, unlike you cowards, and I am affecting, by your own admission here, the video game vs. kids debate. Get used to it. It's called the real First Amendment. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson quotes
Sonny, if you have been to an evangelical church lately, then you know there is nothing 'organized' about this religion. Hooah!
Jack Thompson
Of course I'm right!I've been on national tv now about 100 times. Obviously the First Amendment protects me. It does not protect the marketing of adult-rated murder simulators to kiddies like you.
Thompson Jack
You can't even regulate your own thought. Senator Lieberman proved in January that roughly 40% of the time IDs are not checked. How bizarre that you would think your single, isolated experience is dispositive on the issue. Do you also assume that because you exist everyone in the world looks like you, too? Jack Thompson
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