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Jack Thompson (1976 – 2008)

John Bruce "Jack" Thompson is an American activist who was an American attorney often cited in the media for his extreme views on the effects of obscenity and violence in popular media.
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Jack Thompson
Reading Is Something You Gamers Might Want to Try Sometime
The FBI and Secret Service both found that immersion of the perps in violent entertainment, particularly video games, led to a number of the school killings. It was the one common denominator. Those were government findings, not findings of some anti-gun nut who doesn't seem to get the point that all the gun laws in the country didn't keep the guns out of the hands of the perps.
Sorry you can't grasp the point. Every other adult did. Jack Thompson
Thompson quotes
I have an honest job. I serve God, and Hal serves mammon. Look it up,dimwit.
I gave all this to Dennis McCauley, but apparently he was too busy freelancing a boil to report it.

Thompson Jack quotes
"Jack Thompson Here: With the Last Word on This Ruling
Of course this law was held unconstitutional. You know why? Because it is. I said that months and months ago.
We have some knuckleheads in legislatures drafting and passing laws that are not in conformity with the First Amendment. Our bill in Delaware is terrific, as is the one in North Carolina that I helped draft. They're not constitutional because I drafted them. They're constitutional because I've actually read the court rulings. All future laws will have plenty of testimony at the legislative hearings on the scientific basis for the proven harm.
The goofs in Michigan didn't do their homework. I have. Kiss the sale of mature games to kids bye-bye. Should take about another year. Thanks for your abiding interest. And kids, put down the controllers. Get off the drugs. And get a life. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
And here's additional proof. ABC News yesterday reported that violence in school is now up, not down. All statements by others to the contrary are lies.
Secondly, there have been ten Columbine-like events that have been intercepted in the last month. Do your research, Dennis. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson quotes
No, you are totally wrong... 40% of kids presenting at a major retailer can buy an M-rated game, no questions asked. Plus, the rate on-line is 100%. The Federal Trade Commission confirms this. Get your facts straight. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
This finding at Harvard by Kimberly Thompson... enhances even more our case in Alabama. This shows the broad deception by the industry in marketing and selling harmful video games to kids. Note also that Vice City, which is the game the killer in Alabama played, is one of the games studied at Harvard. Hooah! Life is good. My future is so bright I've got to wear shades. Jack Thompson PS: I understand the First Amendment, and you don't.
Thompson Jack quotes
Let's see how long it takes Dennis McCauley to... ban me again, thereby setting his own trap for--himself. Jack Thompson
Actually... "normal person" and "average gamer" are mutually exclusive terms, but you wouldn't know. Jack Thompson (game-free since a trip to Betty Ford Clinic).
Thompson Jack
Actually, He is coming back to judge and to destroy. Learn your Bible, goofball
Jack Thompson
Oh, we positively can't wait. Say, were you on the witness list in the Senate yesterday? My client was, and he thanked me, before the entire Committee. Didn't hear him mention you. You need to watch fewers movies and do something with your life, Hilary. Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson quotes
And the FTC found also that some stores sell mature games to kids...
over 65% of the time. You call this success, Hal? It's pathetic.
Jack Thompson
PS: What are you doing about Internet sales of mature games to minors, Hal, hmmmm? You happen to know that there is NO ID-ing of kids in those sales. None.
Jack Thompson
Pay Attention You can either stop posting to my comments, or you can publish your full identity. Your choice. Choose wisely.
Thompson quotes
Actually, "destroy" means destroy. My methods of choice have been numerous television exposes of the Grand Theft Auto games, in the US (60 Minutes, Today Show), in the UK (BBC, etc/), Canada, and elsewhere; preparing Hillary Clinton for her severe hit on Rockstar in July 2005 re Hot Coffee; and litigation. As to the latter, the Alabama Supreme Court said this past week that GTA is not First Amendment speech. I am working with the various law firms suing Take-Two on behalf of shareholders over the Hot Coffee matter.
I am also working with the LA District Attorney. All of these efforts have resulted in a diminution in the value of Take-Two's stock and a real possibility that government and private action will drain the company of all its assets.
Only a bunch of gamers would think that the only way to destroy a company is with an explosive device.
Grow up and wake up. I'm on the verge, with God's help, of destroying the most out of control video game company on the planet, which even Warren Spector recognizes. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
Jack Thompson: God Is In Control and You Are Not. Hooah! What Dennis McCauley does not want you Taliban pixelantes to know is that Alabama's Steve Strickland hit it out of the park yesterday at the Senate hearing, identifying Grand Theft Auto's role in the death of three men, including his brother, in the cop-killing case featured on 60 Minutes. Didn't see any of you on that piece nor at the Senate hearing. But I did hear and see Steve Strickland thank me, twice, in his testimony, for my role in identifying the now proven role of the game in these deaths.
Thompson Jack quotes
Here's how to attend a hearing in Indiana: Call a meeting for all mentally healthy violent video gamers and hold that hearing in a four-person booth at the nearest Denny's. The booth will be empty. Glad to help. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
Video game technology is neutral as well. It is the most powerful teaching tool ever created. It can teach life or it can teach death.
Jack Thompson quotes
We're working on a bill to melt down all PS2's in your state and we have your address and your platform's serial number. I'll be over in one hour, but don't take it personally.
Jack Thompson
It would be "Being Silly" Put down the controller... and grow a brain, frontal lobes, actually.
Thompson Jack
Here's the scientific evidence you jerks say doesn't exist! This just came out today, out of Harvard no less. How idiotic are you people to have denied this for years? Look at what they say about GTA: Vice City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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