Sunday, March 09, 2025 Text is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Jack Thompson (1976 – 2008)

John Bruce "Jack" Thompson is an American activist who was an American attorney often cited in the media for his extreme views on the effects of obscenity and violence in popular media.
Jack Thompson
See, you can't believe anything Dennis McCauley says.
Thompson quotes
A Pixelante Is Vigilante... He is the functional equivalent of a Skinhead, with a controller. Glad you asked.
Hot Coffee was not "out in the open" because if it had been, then GTA: SA would have received an AO rating and no retailers would have sold it. That is proven by the fact the game was pulled when it was found.
Honestly, do you have to certify to a retailer that your IQ has been suppressed 30 points by video game play in order to get these games? Maybe we need an IQ test for mature-rated games rather than age ID?
Jack Thompson

Thompson Jack quotes
Uh, yes Yet another major metro daily nails Rockstar. If you don't get why that hurts Rockstar, then please check into the nearest pyschiatric facility. Thank you. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
We don’t need to play the game; it’s irrelevant to the subject.
Jack Thompson quotes
REally, why would that be?
Jack Thompson
The word is spelled "mischievous." Put down the controller and buy a dictionary.
Thompson Jack quotes
First, it's not a game... and secondly, I knew about it before you did. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson Has News for You Pixelante Children
1. Is Australia a great country, or what?
2. GamePolitics is not reporting the big news out of South Florida regarding your relentlessly successful video game nemesis, Jack Thompson. Wonder why?
3. We are winning the most important video game lawsuit in history, in Alabama, as the state's Supreme Court has cleared the way for the trial.
4. Just watched G4. Is this a cable channel for total morons? Apparently.
5. Dennis McCauley has just been indicted by the anti-hypocrite prosecutors, for banning a video game critic from GP, in the name of freedom of expression. Duh.
PS: Jack Thompson is making a difference, and you aren't.
Thompson Jack
Jack Thompson on Free Talk Live debating his viewpoints. Thompson becomes so angry he hangs up on the hosts Ian and Mark. There are plenty of good quotes here.
Jack Thompson
Lets say you make a kid feel angry; he is going to act out what he has spent hundreds of hours doing. He has spent hundreds of hours hurting people in virtual reality. And the thing that is doubly troubling now is the graphics are so crisp and so virtually real that the brain can literally not differentiate between real violence and virtual violence, I'm a lawyer who for 20 years did medically related work. As a citizen, I entered the violent video game arena with the Paducah, Ky., shootings,
I had represented abused women and children, and that album ("As Nasty as They Wanna Be") was totally inappropriate for minors,
Killing is such an incredibly dramatic thing to do. But I quickly became disabused of that skepticism. Now it's a whole body of thought that is very, very troubling. And we are seeing these instances with incredible frequency. Here we had one in Kansas and a day later in Alaska, Playing the games desensitizes the person to the act of killing, because there is no guilt. It's a game. You are winning the game, and it's a pleasurable thing. You can get a gamer's high killing people. And there's no need to feel guilty about it -- that's how you win the game. In the Civil War, for example, soldiers were found dead on the battle field with loaded muskets. It wasn't because the guns were malfunctioning. The soldiers were young men who had been trained by their parents to go hunting with guns -- not use them to kill others. And they couldn't do it, even in the face of hostile fire. So time and again these men would load their guns, raise them and pretend to fire. Those soldiers had not been trained to overcome their inhibition to kill, If somebody else's kid plays a video game and puts my kid in harm's way in school or someplace else, I have a legitimate interest in that, The Grand Theft Auto games immerse you in a lonely world of violence, cheap sex, and pixelated nihilism, Most experts say it takes more than 100 hours to complete all of GTA: San Andreas just once.
It shows you how to -- by bullying -- take over your school. You punch people; you hit them with sling shots; you dunk their heads in dirty toilets. There's white-on-black crime in the game. You bludgeon teachers and classmates with bats. It's absolutely nuts. This is the most knuckle-headed thing I think any entertainment entity in the history of American entertainment has ever done. The word 'Columbine' means something. Everybody viscerally understands that you don't want to teach kids to bully one another. Suspects in the Kansas and Alaska incidents have bullying components just as Columbine's Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris did. Then you give them a simulator on how to exact their revenge and settle scores? It's crazy.

Jack Thompson quotes
Why don't you go buy a suicide game, practice that, and get real good at it.
Jack Thompson
Really, where's the ambualance. The cops and dispatcher in Alabama were dead long before I got there, but you don't care about them, do you? Just your little mental masturbatory pixelated fantasy world.
Thompson quotes
I've been in the Wall Street Journal four times, honey, about more important things than this. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
Memo to Donaldson Next time, James, have the courage to come up and introduce yourself. You believe in the First Amendment? I would have asked that you testify. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack quotes
Do you need an IQ below room temp to be a gamer and post here?
Jack Thompson
Actually, nobody trained to kill by eating a... Big Mac
Jack Thompson quotes
I just did an interview on WCCO-AM... You were contacted, unbeknownst to me, to be part of what I told was just going to be an interview of me. You told WCCO that you would not come on with me, in part, because of my alleged Florida Bar problems...
Jack Thompson
Great. Now if everyone here will show your courage, you'll have a site in which people actually think before they post. Way to go!
Thompson Jack
Gamers Celebrating Being Thugs It is fascinating that young men celebrate being the modern-day equivalent of Nazi bookburners who threaten and harass someone who disagrees with them. "Self-deluded" to put it mildly.

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