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Jack Thompson (1976 – 2008)

John Bruce "Jack" Thompson is an American activist who was an American attorney often cited in the media for his extreme views on the effects of obscenity and violence in popular media.
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Jack Thompson
Got any comment on the Supreme Court case, or are you so impaired by game-induced drug consumption that you don't know what the US Suprme Court is?
Thompson quotes
Awesome! Hey, now we're not only vigilantes, we're also thug carjackers! Boy, we Pixelantes are really cool. Dennis McCauley
The goal I set for myself was to destroy Rockstar Games and Take-Two, to make an example of them. That is why I prepped even Hillary Clinton (and Dave Walsh, see below) for their "Hot Coffee" news conference in July 2005. I would prep Satan himself for such a thing. Hillary is cuter.
Well, well, well. Take a look at the latest shoe to drop in the fall-out from the Hot Coffee scandal that Dennis McCauley brought to our attention and that I ran with. It amazes me that you pixelante idiot thugs are perpetually crazed about me for wanting to punish a game company for embedding explicit sex in a game being marketed and sold to kids, when in fact it was Dennis McCauley and his freelance GamePolitics that actually created the Hot Coffee fiasco. Nobody would have known about it without Dennis. Proves an Internet nonjournalist can do the right thing once in awhile--kind of like a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Anyway, I am working with the lawyers on the below extravaganza. Don't expect Take-Two to survive, because it will not. I got Bono not to buy it, and I will soon make sure, with the incredible successes in our Alabama case (read the papers, kids),that Take-Two will collapse from its legal liabilities.
Paul Eibeler is head to jail, also. Is this a great country, or what?
Jack Thompson

Thompson Jack quotes
I've been a little busy utterly destroying Rockstar (see Alabama Supreme Court ruling yesterday, which your Dennis McCauley here won't report). Seems that Dennis knows what a huge body blow this is to the industry and he won't report it for that reason. I'll get around to my website when I don't have more important things to do, like getting Paul Eibeler arrested. Stay tuned for that one. Jack Thompson PS: HOOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thompson Jack
No, he did listen to me. I would know. You wouldn't. Duh. Check out the April 5 letter in this thread.
Jack Thompson quotes
And I dare you to grow up and get a life. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
Actually, not so. I met with Lieberman chief of staff recently. Why don't you call her and ask her. She emails me routinely. Duh. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack quotes
Right, and the DA is a metaphor, too.
Of course I'm right Games are data manipulation devices, and they are biofeedback devices, when used with the Dual Shock controller. Your obvious problem is that the Dual Shock has been implanted into your prefrontal cortex. Hooah.
Thompson Jack
Right, got it hun. I'll pray you have no more children
Jack Thompson
Listen up, Joystiq Jackasses!

Jack Thompson quotes
Finally, kids, really, get a life. Put down the controllers, pop a beverage, watch the Super Bowl, and enjoy what is left of the land of the increasingly un-free and the totally depraved. Hooah! Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
Doug Lowenstein Is Lying Again
Actually, Doug, a universal rating system does NOT require the "support of many other industries." All it requires is 50% + 1 of the legislators in the New York Assembly and Senate, respectively. Duh.
Further, Doug, and I know it is hard for you to pay attention, with your traveling make-up artist asking you to close your eyes intermittently, but here you go. Maybe she can read this to you as you're being powdered: The laws that have been struck down have not used the proper approach. The courts have identified the problems. Those of us out here crafting better laws can actually read. We haven't had our frontal lobes fried by games, you know. You're about to see the proper approach in Delaware, Louisiana, and North Carolina.
For Bo, short for Boring, please note: We are all very aware of what your lying retailer organizations are doing. You're covering up the fact that the Federal Trade Commission has recently found that 42% of the time, kids of any age can buy Mature-rated games. That means, any underage kid who goes to two stores has a 63% chance of buying a Mature-rated game. Thus, the rating system is utterly flawed and ineffectual.
What we are out to do, with Governor Spitzer's help, is stop the video game industry from marketing and selling Mature-rated games to minors. Pretty simple stuff, really, and the industry is in a total panic realizing that that day is approaching. Glad to help explain it all to you guys.
Oh, and Doug, why don't you go threaten CBS again.
Jack Thompson
Thompson quotes
Oh? And of what are the games other than self-centered mental masturbation?
Thompson Jack
And you're allowed to say anything with that face? Wow. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack quotes
Actually, I'm having the last laugh right now...
Because, as just about everybody admits, including Doug Goebbels Lowenstein, it was the Hot Coffe scandal that lit the fuse on this anti-video game push, and I'm the guy who prepped Hillary for her homerun last July on the issue.
I'm laughing my head off right now. I set out to destroy Rockstar, and I'm well on the way. And the entire ESRB/ESA sham rating system is coming down with them.
You're going to have the last laugh? About what? About how you have the last Grand Theft Auto game marketed and sold to kids? Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
Careful, norumu (nice fake name)... My wife might get jealous...
Jack Thompson quotes
So, the fact that the GP owner misrepresents his relationships with papers MONTHS after he has been warned to stop doing it matters not a bit? Fascinating. Gamers are probably the silliest, least reflective people in the world. This proves it. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
47 USC 223(h)(1), subsection 113 is a new federal law which makes it a crime, punishable by two years in prison, to send anyone an e-mail, anonymously, the effect of which is to annoy,e tc. Here is the text:
"Whoever...utilizes any device or software that can be used to originate telecommunications or other types of communications that are transmitted, in whole or in part, by the Internet... without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person...who receives the communications...shall be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both."
Any individual who posts here anonymously is thereby sending me an email via LiveJournal to my Yahoo mail address. If the effect of the email is to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass, then you've violated this federal law. Conservatively, there have been more than 1,000 criminal violations of this statute.
Now, you pixelante thugs have two choices. You can either fully disclose your real name, address, and phone number when you post in response to my posts, thereby sending me an email with your true identities, or you can refrain from posting. Your choice, but it is a choice you had better make, because here is what is going to happpen:
If any of you knuckleheads continues to send me the kind of emails you are sending me by posting at LiveJournal, then I am coming after GamePolitics and you personally. Got that? And oh my, how some of your parents will be upset. All I have to do is serve a subpoena on GP or LiveJournal. Really simple.
Dennis McCauley is the one who has chosen to use a bizarre system that sends emails to the posters. That was his choice. It was a very, very foolish mistake. Dennis thinks he can play lawyer, but a real lawyer can read a federal statute. That is the bind that Dennis McCauley has put you all in, and I already have hundreds of your emails, all of which violate the federal law.
You post anonymously at this site at your own great peril.
You've been warned. Now we're going to see how smart you really are. We know how dumb Dennis McCauley is. He put you in this bind when he went to LiveJournal. Really, really dumb.
Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
You Pixelante Knuckleheads (Sorry to Be Redundant) Missed Spike's Point The point Spike is making in the movie and with his comments about the movie's scene with the violent game is that the games are too violent, and they are emblematic of the irresponsibility of the video game industry. I am not at all surprised that gamers wouldn't get it; in fact, Spike Lee knows you wouldn't get it, as indicated by his belief that someone will copy the game scene, which is a criticism of the industry. Which, of course, makes his point exquisitely. It is fascinating, is it not, that the people in this country who have deserved reputations are real artists, real professionals, all decry the recklessness of the entertainment industry and the divorce between art and sanity that prevails in some quarters. Here at GP is one of them. God bless Spike Lee. He gets it. You at GP don't. Hooah. Jack Thompson
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