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Jack Thompson (1976 – 2008)

John Bruce "Jack" Thompson is an American activist who was an American attorney often cited in the media for his extreme views on the effects of obscenity and violence in popular media.
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Jack Thompson
Are y’all threatening CBS and ABC and Rolling Stone and every gaming site and magazine in the universe, or just my college debate booking agent because you and your bullying company think they can get away with it?
… I am going to have an absolute ball pointing out to the world that Take-Two, the self-righteous, great defenders of “freedom of expression,” simply CANNOT abide Jack Thompson’s agent using allegedly protected trademarks of Take-Two. Freedom of expression my butt.
Thompson quotes
All web sites are "privately owned," except for government sites, junior. Dennis McCauley cannot run a site that posts false, defamatory, and actionable statements about me, including his own, and then prohibit me from responding to them, unless he wants to be sued. Got that?
He's not interested enough in getting the stories right but rather in running over the truth to get it out first. McCauley has repeatedly reported stories wrong that have harmed me, and he couldn't care less. The Dave Walsh fabrication is just one of them.
And here he was today deleting my posts, so as to keep a lid on his own latest screw-up.
 :This guy for months has been misrepresenting his relationship with the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and he finally got caught--this after falsely misreporting that I was saying David Walsh endorsed me. Never said it. Never would say it. Yet McCauley ran that story without talking with me.

Thompson Jack quotes
I appreciate the tone of this email, but let me correct your error.
I NEVER mocked the person who committed suicide. I pointed out that the type of game he was playing has figured in other suicides. :What I mocked was the faux "concern" for this unfortunate suicide victims by those who can never bring themselves to look at nihilistic bent of most games.
The assertion that I mocked his death is grotesque. I tried to make sense of it, and the rest of you tried to cover up why it happened. That is why you were in a rage, and you simply fabricated the "mocking" part. Ridiculous.
I haven't seen any sympathy for the families of the dead police personnel in Alabama slain by the GTA player, now have I?
That said, the "members of this community" abandoned "the moral high ground" a very, very long time ago. The obscene, threatening, disgusting, idiotic hate emails I get proves that. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
Jack Thompson's recent successes in the baseless Bar complaints filed against him
2. The admonition from the St. Paul Pioneer Press telling him that if he didn't stop falsely portraying himself as a columnist for that paper, there would be consequences.
3. Jack Thompson's upcoming speech in Birmingham to 500 movers and shakers about video game-inspired violence.'
4. Jack Thompson's recent appearance on national television.
5. Wikipedia's pulling of the entries pertaining to Jack Thompson by gamers, pending review of their falsity.
6. Incredible victory over the Bully game, which imperils its release.
7. Etc.
Dennis McCauley won't report the truth, because he can't handle the truth, and it is this: The video game industry is on the ropes in a backlash by parents against it, and Jack Thompson has been a huge part of that success, despite the death threats, the baseless Bar complaints, and nonjournalists who run sites like this. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson quotes
Do Any of You Know What a Subpoena Looks Like
Notice to All Vigilante/Pixelante/GP Posters:
I have been receiving anonymous emails from posters here, which are extremely annoying and intended to be so.
Please note that each such email violates a new federal law which prohibits the sending of such emails, anonymously.
I'm saving the emails for an attachment to a subpoena. I am able by the subpoena to find out who each of you is. Boy, will your parents be annoyed.
You all try and figure out what the nature of the lawsuit may be.
Secondly, please note that not a single one of the terms listed by LiveJournal has been violated by me. Not one. If you can read, read the Terms of Agreement.
Proof of my compliance is that LiveJournal has NEVER contacted me advising me of any terms violation. Never.
Dennis McCauley, on the other hand, hypocrite that he is, keeps TRYING to ban me from GamePolitics because he doesn't like my blowing the whistle on his being caught by a newspaper misrepresenting his relationship with it, and he doesn't like the fact that I have had way more success in harming the video game industry than he has had in defending it. See Eliot Spitzer's recent announcement, which turns on the Hot Coffee incident. Hillary is the greatest anti-gamer babe, don't you think?
Mr. McCauley's view is that freedom of experessionis for the video game industry but not for anyone else. Journalists know otherwise.
Mr. McCauley, who keeps posting stories here attacking me, even promoting a kill-jack-thompson game,really needs to grow up and learn that freedom of expression is even for people with whom he doesn't agree. Poor, Dennis. He may wake up one day with a subpoena on his lap.
Regards, Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson Responds This is very funny, actually. Nice job. I count 3 million dead kittens. Meow! Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack quotes
Get a haircut, dweeb.
Attempted Carjacking Caught on Surveillance Video
Hacienda Heights, April 27, 2006 - An attempted carjacking is caught on surveillance video and now police are looking for the suspect.
A woman was pumping gas last night at a Chevron station on 7th Street in Hacienda Heights when a man confronted her. The video shows the woman trying to get away when the suspect tackles her to the ground.
The woman managed to fight him off and he eventually got up and ran away.
The young woman appeared to be okay as she described the attack to investigators.
Thompson Jack
The problem is, they've had 15 years to do it, and they haven't done it, "This isn't even speech, This is software that enables a machine to allow a player to play a game.
Jack Thompson
Yes, you are quite wrong, and here's why I argued on November 3 in our Alabama case featured on 60 Minutes and in Reader's Digest that games are not speech. I won the hearing, and we are proceeding toward trial. You won't read that here, because Dennis McCauley is a coward who censors the news. You all need to get out more and read real news, not the garbage that Dennis McCauley feeds your from the Flat Earth Society. Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson quotes
Sure, all the GTA games. They've been advertised on Sports Center on ESPN at 2, 3, 4, 5pm in the afternoon. Dad's at work then, Einstein.
Secondly, all the gamer magazines have featured ads for those and similar games. I guess you missed the Federal Trade Commission report of the federal government on just that issue. You can keep asking questions, but if you don't listen and don't care for the answer, then you're the functional equivalent of a moron. Is that clear enough for you?
Jack Thompson
California Civil Code Section 3495 enables and authorizes each and every law enforcement officer to walk into any video game store, without a court order, to seize and destroy each and every copy of 25 to Life.
Thompson quotes
The goal is to make it such a negative thing that the retailers won't carry it, This thing hasn't really reached critical mass as a [public relations] problem yet; that's what I'm trying to do.
Thompson Jack
Learn how to spell, please And get off the games, so that your frontal lobes can heal so that you can spell.
Thompson Jack quotes
A computer is not speech, Kiddie. It's a device. Wake up and get a life.
Jack Thompson
No, I didn't email him. I faxed him my letters. And I spoke to his crackerjack staff. Thanks for asking. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson quotes
There's a lot of parental angst over the fact that these games are coming at out kids, and there must be some way to keep them away from our kids," "there's more evidence of that than there is that smoking causes cancer." "leave it up to a jury to find that the material is harmful to minors because of sex or violence. Don't have a statute defining what is harmful.
Jack Thompson
Nope. Wrong. The danger here is interactive violence. If you hadn't noticed, all the studies, including the one below that has just come out today, show a direct link between pop culture and sociopathic behaviors. Like, how dumb are you not to know that? :Apparently REALLY dumb:
Children exposed to sex in TV programmes, films, magazines and music are more likely to engage in sexual activity than those who are not, according to research out today.
There is a direct relationship between the amount of sexual content a child sees and their level of sexual activity or their intentions to have sex in the future, the study found.
Such media also has at least an equal influence on sexual behaviour as religion or a child's relationship with their parents and peers, the study said.
Thompson Jack
Typical Pixelante Yep, looks like a typical gamer vigilante to me, which is why the term is Pixelante. Thanks for further visual confirmation of my point and the wisdom of coining the term. Hooah! Jack Thompson
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