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Jack Thompson (1976 – 2008)

John Bruce "Jack" Thompson is an American activist who was an American attorney often cited in the media for his extreme views on the effects of obscenity and violence in popular media.
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Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson to Gamer Pixelante Thugs: Pay Attention
Dear Children, Listen Up:
1. A "troll" is an anonymous coward to lurks in chat rooms and who has nothing better to do than hassle people with silly posts. I post with my real name, unlike the cowards here, and I have plenty to do. Just got home from a charity golf tournament my partner and I helped out, and before I left I was working with the authorities in Kansas.
2. As to cease and desist letters, Dennis McCauley, in defense of freeodm of expression, I guess, told me to stop posting here. Well, when he stops using this site to attack me, I will. Until then, it's called the Internet, and it's available to everyone. Duh.
3. As to correlation versus causation, you lose. Harvard, Indiana University, Michigan State, the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association, the American Pediatric Association, the FBI, and the Secret Service all establish a causal link between violent game play and the types of incidents we had over the last two days in Kansas. You all who keep repeating "correlation" as if it were a mantra really need to put down the controllers and read the actual studies, including the recent US Supreme Court case of Roper v. Simmons. Double duh.
4. Finally, only gamers don't think that these games are a problem. It's kind of like dopers not thinking marijuana consumption is a problem. Oh, gee, now a medical study says that gamers are more likely to do illegal drugs, so it's all starting to make sense now.
Oh, one more thing: When someone you care about gets killed by an obsessive gamer, you'll care about the problem. I care about the problem, because I've sat with the victims in Paducah, in Alabama, in Medina, Ohio, in Fairfax, Virginia.
You all couldn't care less. Dennis McCauley couldn't care less. He's making money off the mayhem. Wait until it happens to someone he cares about. Triple duh.
Jack Thompson
Thompson quotes
God is very powerful, and He's not real pleased with Rockstar right now, nor with those who defend it. Watch out. Fire and brimstone on the way.
Look, jerk. He has been misrepresenting who he is and what he does. It's not where he works that matters. What matters is that months ago he was warned to stop misrepresenting his status with a paper, and he refused to correct the misrepresentation. He's a reporter. He's supposed to care about his reputation. If you don't care, then you're reading the write video game site, goofball.

Thompson Jack quotes
"Piece of Shit Bill"? Nice potty mouth. Typical gamer. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
Dear Andrew: Actually, if you bothered acting like a real journalist--not surprised that you don't, since you're affiliated with Dennis McCauly--you would have called the Miami-Dade School Board Member, Mr. Bolanos, who sponsored the Resolution. He would have told you that he was furious that the Herald read that headline, since the Resolution was actually even stronger than what I drafted.
You also could have contacted the school board or gone to their site, and you would have seen that the Resolution was not watered down at all.
It surprises me, Andrew, that you are so ignorant as to the biases of the media that you don't understand that headlines and articles misrepresent the news.
How sad. How pathetic. How watered down your life is. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson quotes
Go see a shrink.
Jack Thompson
It's spelled "brilliant." Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack quotes
Actually, I don't think the "M" is big enough. I would favor two giant "M" labels that would be affixed to and thus obliterate the entire front and back of each "Mature" game.
And, if you buy such a game, labeled in that fashion, especially if you buy it at Best Buy, you get, free of charge, a giant "M" tatooed on your forehead right there at the point-of-sale device.
That particular "M" will stand for "MORON," which is presently a synonym for "gamer." David Walsh disagrees, but Best Buy wants him to disagree.
Oh, and here's the latest body blow to the video game industry engineered by Jack Thompson. Enjoy!
Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson Gets It Right Yet Again
The defense of the video game industry by libertarians within the GOP, like this knucklehead, was identified and explained in great detail in my book, Out of Harms's Way.
Dennis McCauley missed it, and so did all of you, since my book is not officially listed as a "cheat code book."
The real conservatives in the GOP are not libertarians. They actually have values and understand that civicvirtue is an indispensable element in preserving freedom. Duh. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
Better results? What in the world are you talking about? You on drugs in addition to games?
Jack Thompson
"Dear LiveJournal (Sent to its parent company, Six Apart, in SF,CA):
For weeks, I have repeatedly asked the person in your San Francisco office to have a lawyer representing your company regarding the above to contact me. He refuses to help. He has repeatedly said the Abuse Department will contact me. It has all been a falsehood by this employee of yours.
Please be advised that I presently intend to proceed against your company not only for its direct role in the publishing of false and defamatory material about me at but also for your company's willing and knowing participation in this ongoing tortious activity.
Not only are you doing this, but your company is also assisting GamePolitics from letting me correct the actionable lies at its site by assisting GamePolitics in blocking my posts through LiveJournal.
I have had enough. Either have your lawyers contact me immediately, or I shall proceed.
Jack Thompson
PS: Dennis McCauley, you were warned, sweetie

Jack Thompson quotes
'm winning the war against Rockstar, and you're caught in a comic book. nice going, ace.
Jack Thompson
If Hal Halpin really wanted kids not to buy mature-rated games, here is what he would do:
He would do his secret stings on his retail lobbyist organization's members, similar to those done by Dr. Walsh's NIMF and by the Federal Trade Commission.
Upon tabulating the results, his organization would fine members that did not score at least a 90% compliance with the ESRB rating system in the first wave of stings.
Upon a second failure of any retail chain not to comply, the results of the failure would be made public.
Upon a third failure to meet the 90% compliance rate, the retailer would be kicked out of the organization.
Will Halpin do anything like this? Of course not! He gets paid by the retailers to make a 42% retailer failure rate look like "success." Hal Halpin does not want kids not to get these games. He wants them to get them, and the proof is that nothing--NOTHING--is done by his organization to punish the scofflaws who thumb their noses at all the parents who don't want their kids to be able to walk into these stores and buy these mature games.
Hal Halpin is a phony, and anyone dimwitted enough not to know it is probably a gamer. Fondly, Jack Thompson
Thompson quotes
Jack Thompson here. Sorry you're distressed about the right of US citizens to travel freely within the country to engage in First Amendment speech before state legislatures.
Maybe you should read the constitution sometime. Maybe you should have gotten off your rear end and testified at the hearing yourself instead of whining about my doing so and getting a unanimous vote in the House.
Jack Thompson
PS: If Dennis McCauley had not illegally censored me from his little terrorist site, you would have had more information about this before it occurred.
Thompson Jack
I've got more Bar complaints than Judge Friedman has reversed opinions.
Thompson Jack quotes
Take-Two is also stating that the sun does not rise in the east because Take-Two makes no money from its rising in the east.
Jack Thompson
So, Should We Indict Patricia Vance Now or Wait?
Patricia Vance and the ESRB have been knowingly involved in marketing and selling harmful material to minors for years. The ESRB is owned and operated by the video game industry, for Heaven's sakes.
The ESRB knew for weeks and weeks that GTA: San Andreas contained the Hot Coffee material and yet they did absolutely nothing about it until Hillary, armed with the information I gave her, broke the log jam.
Of course the ESRB ratings are a sham. They were designed to be a sham. Patricia Vance, get an honest job. Or better yet, go on a city-to-city tour with Doug Lowenstein and the two of you can explain that the Holocaust never happened. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson quotes
Crackpot is one word, like gameridiot.
Jack Thompson
"It's a murder simulator, it's not a game." "The U.S. military literally uses modified versions of these games, as well as their own video games, to do one thing: to break down the inhibition to kill among new recruits,
Thompson Jack
I've Gone After Hollywood, Junior... You need to read my bio more carefully. Just be thankful I don't go after ignorant gamers. Jack Thompson
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