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Jack Thompson (1976 – 2008)

John Bruce "Jack" Thompson is an American activist who was an American attorney often cited in the media for his extreme views on the effects of obscenity and violence in popular media.
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Jack Thompson
As a public service, here are some news items you won't read at GP, because they are actually true:
1. The "rave party" killer of ten in Seattle, Kyle Huff, appears to have been a hardcore violent game consumer. More on that as it develops further.
2. The reason "Office Massacre" was yanked was because I and others like me are out here, not because of any sense within the industry.
3. We're about to file a huge lawsuit in another state arising out of murders by a hardcore GTA: Vice City player. Our success last week in Alabama before the Supreme Court gives us tremendous momentum going into this new case.
4. This GP site serves as a constant reminder of the damage to young brains caused by video games. Here, the posters make it clear that reality, found in hard cold facts about the harm done by video games are of no interest whatsoever. Dennis McCauley's bizarre story here asking "How long will it be until the "influence of violent games" argument is finally put to rest?" is a perfect proof of this mental flight from reality.
How long, Dennis? As long as the brain scan studies at Harvard and the massive findings by the American Psychological Association are sitting there as an irrefutable proof, scientifically, of what the video game industry can't rebut: That what you dump into your brain has behavioral consequences. This has been known for only, oh, 3000 years.
5. Finally, Jack Thompson is slowly and surely destroying all of the SLAPP Bar complaint efforts against him. Dennis McCauley has been provided the information, but he doesn't want you to know, as he is still seething, like a little child, from my success in having the St. Paul Pioneer Press warn him to stop misleading everyone about his "columnist" status with that paper. He was not and is not, and they made him knock it off. Jack Thompson
PS: The good guys always win, which is why I'm winning this fight. Hooah!
Thompson quotes
This is not rocket science. When a kid who has never killed anyone in his life goes on a rampage and looks like the Terminator, he's a video gamer.
Postal 2 is a game that targets people because of their minority status. Why am I not surprised that all you white bread crackers here at GamePolitics don't have a problem with that?

Thompson Jack quotes
You know, there are sociopaths everywhere. Some of them are in government, some of them are at TakeTwo. In fact, we got a bunch of sociopaths in Edinburgh, Scotland, sittin' around in kilts sippin' their single malt whiskey spreading racial, hurtful stereotypes in this country.
Thompson Jack
I would hold you, but I'm sitting at a computer miles and miles away. Sigh.
Jack Thompson quotes
Jack Thompson with a Heads-Up
Just to let you all know:
Dennis McCauley, as this story indicates, feels he has some sort of constitutional "right" to post stories that incite harassment of me while at the same time trying to "ban" me from this site to try to counteract them and correct them.
I'll let those among you not impaired mentally by the games and game-induced drug-using (see recent medical study linking game play and illicit drug use)figure out the hypocrisy of that McCauleyapproach.
Be that as it may, the harassing emails I am now getting, which this pro-game site has encouraged, happen to violate a new federal law that prohibits and punishes the sending of anonymous, harassing emails.
What I envision having to do is sue GamePolitics, issue subpoenas, and thereby find the precise identities and locations of those emailing me. The court's have upheld that approach, and I may have to use it.
You didn't think of that did you, Dennis? As to the rest of you, you don't think period. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
This would be a great idea if only the ESRB had the sense to hire an outfit whose principals had real talent.
Additionally, not real smart to hire a crew that has put out a t-shirt featuring a Jesus Christ who says "Don't be a dick."
That shows how totally out of touch the coquettish Patricia Vance is with mainstream America.
I love it. Boy, am I going to have fun with the "Dick" t-shirt.
Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack quotes
By All Means, Please Contact Judge Moore!
His name is James Moore, Fayette County Circuit Court Judge.
I still represent all of the families in the matter, and I am wonderfully involved in the case. I was in Birmingham last week meeting with the far more important Judge Moore, Former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. He came to hear my speech there. Of course, you wouldn't know, because you weren't there. Probably in drug rehab.
Anyway, Judge Moore's fax number is CENSORED if you want to express to him any concerns about me and to ask him if these families are still my clients. He might find the inquiry amusing. Judge Moore has his own ethics problems, and you might want to ask him about that. Just be nice to him! Hooah! Jack Thompson
Too Late. Dennis McCauley is about to kiss this site bye-bye Just watch. Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
The video game industry gave him a cranial menu that popped up in the blink of an eye in that police station," "And that menu offered him the split-second decision to kill the officers, shoot them in the head, flee in a police car, just as the game itself trained them to do.
Jack Thompson
"First of All, Hal, It's Doctor, Not Mister, Yee... FTC's findings is you. The FTC found that close to 40% of the time retailers are still selling mature-rated games to minors. If Seven-11 had that failure rate on tobacco and alcohol, the CEO of that retailer would be in jail. What you need to do, Hal, is stop lying about federal government findings. It catches up with you. You've been hanging around Doug Lowenstein too much. Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson quotes
No, I don't respond directly to anonymous emails anymore. I turn them over to the feds. Read the new federal law on that, junior. And be very afraid.
Jack Thompson
Actually, Goebbels was not quite effective enough. He committed suicide right outside Hitler's bunker as the troops moved in. His propaganda, like that of the ESRB, cost the loss of innocent lives, and eventually it was seen to be the house of cards that it was. Nice try. Read your history in your seventh grade class a little more carefully. Jack Thompson
Thompson quotes
PWNED Is Not a Word... as it is in serious need of a vowel movement. Somebody get Vanna White on the phone to buy one. Having said that, this entire site has been "pwned" by Jack Thompson today, and you pixelantes don't even know it.
Thompson Jack
Dear Jabrwock... First of all get a real name, instead of timidly hiding behind a fake avatar. Real men engage in discourse in the public square not hiding beneath a KKK-like hood. Secondly, the gamers who killed in the UK (Warren LeBlanc re Manhunt) and Devin Moore in Alabama (one of, oh, about 30 such gamers linked to GTA), the guy in Moscow who did the synagogue stabbings (Postal 2),and the knifers in Japan were identified as gamers because they were gamers, Ace, and because in many, many of the instances law enforcement officials, not yours truly, tied the crimes to the murder simulation games. Japan for years was happy to dump its violence into our kids' heads, and now the "culture war Pearl Harbor pigeons" are coming home to roost. It's about time. Hooah! Jack Thompson
PS: The world was designed to work this way by Pixelantes, not by some God who acts as if He doesn't exist.
Thompson Jack quotes
The Oklahoma Bill... the best one passed so far, but its close on constitutionality. I like the one we're working on in three other states better. Stay tuned. If Dennis McCauley weren't such a dissembling goofball, I'd tell him what three states, but you can't trust someone who lies about whether he's a columnist for a paper--the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson
Well, since you asked, it's because the video game tools--Halpin, Lowenstein, and Vance--are all masters of the "Big Lie," first perfected by the Third Reich and its mouthpieces.
Their technique, borrowed directly from Goebbels, is to repeat an absurd lie so often that the sheeplike masses believe it. The sheep would be you gamers. But you're sheep, after all, and you can't quite realize it.
Jack Thompson
Jack Thompson quotes
Oh, of course Hal and Patty have done something wrong... They, along with Doug, have knowingly facilitated the distribution of mature and violent games to kids. They should be incarcerated.
Jack Thompson
Actually, I am correct, of course, as video games are actually devices, simulators. A lawn mower is not speech because it makes noise.You really need to get to a law library and see what is actually protected by the First Amendment. I won the hearing on this issue in Alabama, and you did not. Hooah! Jack Thompson
Thompson Jack
Because most gamers are like you, unable to see beyond their faux self-righteousness and your obsession with your fun, regardless of the consequences to others. Gamers are involved in a wholly masturbatory activity to the exclusion of all other concerns. Why do I have contempt foryou? Because you are contemptible.
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