Saturday, July 27, 2024 Text is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

J. R. Moehringer

J R Moehringer is an American journalist and author.
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J. R. Moehringer
"If only Ed Fleming had a mother who gave such sound advice. The manager of Wazoo's, a downtown Denver restaurant, Fleming is a CSU alum who has been darned giddy about the Rams' recent success. So giddy that he donned a necklace made of Pez candies, a red blazer - and nothing else. A few people gaped (some actually set aside their beers), but most ignored Fleming as he strutted like a red-blazered rooster, demanding that all hail the Mighty Naked Beer King."
Moehringer quotes
Beer is amazing. Nutritional. Medicinal. A beverage, but also a meal.
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