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Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1852 – 1917)

English actor-manager and wit, whose professional name was Herbert Beerbohm Tree.
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Herbert Beerbohm Tree
As far as I could discover, the notion that a play could succeed without any further help from the actor than a simple impersonation of his part never occurred to Tree.
Tree quotes
It is difficult to live up to one's posters…When I pass my name in such large letters I blush, but at the same time instinctively raise my hat.
Sirs, I have tested your machine. It adds a new terror to life and makes death a long-felt want.

Tree Herbert Beerbohm quotes
Ladies, just a little more virginity, if you don't mind.
Tree Herbert Beerbohm
Never say a humorous thing to a man who does not possess humour: he will always use it in evidence against you.
Herbert Beerbohm Tree quotes
It depends on each and every one of me.
Herbert Beerbohm Tree
A man never knows what a fool he is until he hears himself imitated by one.
Tree Herbert Beerbohm quotes
People are too apt to treat God as if he were a minor royalty.
A charming fellow, and so clever: he models himself on me.
Tree Herbert Beerbohm
Every man is a potential genius until he does something.
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