Edmund Cooper (1926 – 1982)
English poet and prolific writer of speculative fiction, romances, technical essays, several detective stories, and a children's book.
There is no other god but life. Life is the only holy thing. And when that goes that is the death of God.
What is god but an extension of the ego - a sort of megalomania by proxy?
Without mankind machines are nothing.
Even you must appreciate that to destroy the personnality while preserving the body is simply another kind of death.
But in adversity, intelligence alone cannot sustain hope. Ultimately, hope can be sustained only by finding purpose in adversity, by imposing a pattern on the fortuitous disasters of existence. Human beings, if force to it, will compromise their intelligence to preserve their hope.
Only the absurd could have any bearing on reality.
A man must either fall or rise in adversity.
On earth there are frontiers, in the sky there are none.
How does one objectively define madness ?
I believe our only hope of immortality lies in our actions, in what we do to and for others, and in our children.