Brian Kernighan
Computer scientist who worked at the Bell Labs and contributed to the design of the pioneering AWK and AMPL programming languages.
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Do what you think is interesting, do something that you think is fun and worthwhile, because otherwise you won't do it well anyway.
First make it run, then make it run fast.
The most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, coupled with judiciously placed print statements.
Advice to students: Leap in and try things. If you succeed, you can have enormous influence. If you fail, you have still learned something, and your next attempt is sure to be better for it. Advice to graduates: Do something you really enjoy doing. If it isn’t fun to get up in the morning and do your job or your school program, you’re in the wrong field.
Controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.
Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?
If you haven't used grep, you've missed one of the simple pleasures of life.
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