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People Quotes - random - 100+ quotes

Bertolt Brecht | People Quotes
People remain what they are even if their faces fall apart.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people.
Kurt Donald Cobain
What's the matter with all you people at the back, did you come here to see Gloria Estefan?

Ray Charles
All people look the same to me.
Paulo Freire
"Faith in people is an a priori requirement for dialogue."
Barack Obama | People Quotes
You are among the two or three most talented people I have ever met in politics.
Kate Bush
What say you, good people?
"Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!"
Help this blackbird...
Knowledge may give weight, but accomplishments give lustre, and many more people see than weigh.
Bruce Schneier
More people are killed every year by pigs than by sharks, which shows you how good we are at evaluating risk.
Daniel Webster
The people's government, made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people.
Hamid Karzai | People Quotes
Terrorism sees, in the prosperity of the Afghan people, its ultimate defeat.

Steve Wozniak
A lot of hacking is playing with other people, you know, getting them to do strange things.
Thomas Alva Edison
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
Samuel Richardson
Those who have least to do are generally the most busy people in the world.
Keith Ferrazzi
People who instinctively establish a strong network of relationships have always created great businesses.
Andrew Tobias | People Quotes
The industry cannot long offer unneeded or overpriced insurance if people will not buy it.
George Gershwin
My people are American, my time is today…music must repeat the thought and aspirations of the times.
Vasil Levski
If I win - I win for all our people, if I lose - I lose only myself.
Shahrukh Khan
Often I don't say hello to people for fear that they may not remember me.
Penn Jillette
Channeling is just bad ventriloquism. You use another voice, but people can see your lips moving.

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