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Movie Quotes - random - 100+ quotes

Jessica Mae Stover | Movie Quotes
Hollywood doesn’t make movies anymore, they make licensing platforms.
Roger Ebert
I would rather eat a golf ball than see this movie again.
Roger Ebert
Rarely has a movie this expensive provided so many quotable lines.

Orson Welles
It's about two percent movie-making and ninety-eight percent hustling. It's no way to spend a life.
Jean-Luc Godard
All you need for a movie is a gun and a girl.
Nancy Reagan | Movie Quotes
The movies were custard compared to politics.
Ronnie Hawkins
Hey son, don't look so glum. The goddam movie'd be awright if only had a few more shots of Robbie!
Paul Reubens
There were just things in Disney movies that probably were too scary for kids.
Roger Ebert
If you plan to miss this movie, better miss it quickly; I doubt if it'll be around to miss for long.
Harry Dean Stanton
No movie featuring either Harry Dean Stanton or M. Emmet Walsh in a supporting role can be altogether bad.
Jamie Uys | Movie Quotes
He is the most consistently successful South African movie maker around, firmly cornering the giggle market.

Roman Polanski
I want people to go to the movies. I am the man of the spectacle. I'm playing.
Bill Allred
You know who Carrot-Top should be married to in a movie? Gallagher.
Mr. T
You got to believe in the ball, and throw your self. (Not Another Teen Movie)
Shahrukh Khan
Making a movie has to be artistic. You have to look back and say, ‘I did this because I had fun.’
Robert DeNiro | Movie Quotes
These movies are like my children, except you can't remake my children in 3D to push up the grosses.
David Bowie
I get offered so many bad movies. And they're all raging queens or transvestites or Martians.
Robert Mitchum
Movies bore me, especially my own.
Christopher Walken
I look for good possibilities in movies. I don't look for perfection.
Richard Jeni
The title of this movie should be "Here's a Fish. You're Stupid."

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