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Thomas Chandler Haliburton

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Circumstances alter cases.
The Old Judge, Or Life in a Colony (1849), Ch. XV

Thomas Chandler Haliburton

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Therefore we should not try to alter circumstances but to adapt ourselves to them as they really are, just as sailors do. They don't try to change the winds or the sea but ensure that they are always ready to adapt themselves to conditions. In a flat calm they use the oars; with a following breeze they hoist full sail; in a head wind they shorten sail or heave to. Adapt yourself to circumstances in the same way.

Bion of Borysthenes

Daz schuof iedoch ein wîse man,
daz alter guot solde hân.
jugent hât vil werdekeit,
daz alter siuften unde leit.
ez enwart nie niht als unfruot,
sô alter unde armuot.

Wolfram von Eschenbach

I was weak and pathetic and I couldn't control myself. An explanation, especially a bullshit one, doesn't alter the circumstances. I need to change, I have to change, and at this point, change is my only option, unless I am ready to die. All that matters is that I make myself something else and someone else for the future.

James Frey

Art’s means of representing a thing – style, technique and the object represented – are circumstances of art, just as the artist’s individual qualities (way of life, abilities, environment and so on) are circumstances of art. Art can just as well be made in harmony with the circumstances of its making as in defiance of them. In itself art is neither visible nor definable: all that is visible and imitable is its circumstances, which are easily mistaken for the art itself.

Gerhard Richter

Whether a bank lent one million, ten million, or a hundred millions, they would not permanently alter the market rate of interest; they would alter only the value of the money they issued.

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