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Reggie Fils-Aime

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The government is already involved from an entertainment standpoint. I mean, they regulate a large part of our entertainment. What we're trying to do as an industry is be proactive and drive it much more positively, much more effectively, than the government can, and that's what the ESA is all about[....]We think we're doing a pretty effective job, and certainly from an Nintendo perspective, we think the ESA is the way to go.
Source: Youtube
Addressing regulation in the gaming industry as well as criticism of video game violence by Jack Thompson

Reggie Fils-Aime

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The corrupted and corrupting video game industry will, of course, challenge this law once it is signed by Governor Blanco. The reason is that this industry, through the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board), its developers' lobbyist, the ESA (Entertainment Software Association), and the retailers' lobbyist, IEMA (Interactive Entertainment Merchants Association) are involved in ongoing fraudulent conduct in marketing video games that contain adult material to children.

Jack Thompson

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Here's the Senate Testimony GP Doesn't Want You to See This is straight from the Subcommittee's site. Note that Hal Halpin never testified. But Steve Strickland did, and he notes my role in this on behalf of his family and the other bereaved families. We are going to destroy Rockstar in Alabama, and the rest of the entertainment industry is going to learn a lesson that will change how adult-rated entertainment is marketed and sold. All of you who get upset about this will please go to Hell more quietly. Thanks. Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson
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