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James Gilliland

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That's one of those Andromedan ships! Look how you can see through the middle. That's because it's inter-dimensional. ... You hear that? The coyotes are going crazy. They always do that when the big ships fly over! No one's got the triangles on tape. This'll really freak the Greer folks out!
James during one of the close encounters with a UFO at his Sattva Sanctuary.

James Gilliland

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So many people are waiting for their happiness to come. It's not here yet, but they are waiting. It's like standing in a line waiting for your bus. One day, people say, my ship will come. One day, I'll make it. One day, I'll be happy. Ships come and go, and they wait for theirs. They think about jumping on other people's ships. They think everything. Yet, incredibly enough, there has always been someone who has pointed out the simple fact that what we are looking for is inside.

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