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Italo Svevo

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Era dispostissimo ad istruirmi, ed anzi annot? di propria mano nel mio libretto tre comandamenti ch'egli riteneva bastassero per far prosperare qualunque ditta: 1. Non occorre saper lavorare, ma chi non sa far lavorare gli altri perisce. 2. Non c'? che un solo grande rimorso, quello di non aver saputo fare il proprio interesse. 3. In affari la teoria ? utilissima, ma ? adoperabile solo quando l'affare ? stato liquidato.
He was more than willing to instruct me, and in my notebook he actually wrote in his own hand the three commandments he considered sufficient to make any firm prosper: 1. There’s no need for a man to know how to work, but if he doesn't know how to make others work, he is doomed. (2) There is only one great regret: not having acted in one's own best interest. (3) In business, theory is useful, but it can be utilized only after the deal has been made.
P. 52; p. 63.

Italo Svevo

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